How To Launch Your Startup The Best Way


Psst, do you want the secret to launching your startup the BEST way? Let’s face it: no one WANTS to work a nine to five unless it’s on their terms. You want to get up when you want, put in as much work as you can, when you can, etc., etc. The “easiest” way to do this is to be your boss. Yeah, nothing’s easy about launching your business, but it certainly can be worth it. Entrepreneurship skyrocketed during the age of COVID-19 and many people took to the online space to make a living from the comfort of their own homes.

HERO is attempting the treacherous path of being self-made and on our journey thus far, these are a few tips that have served our goal well, ranging from where to get your business idea, to a bit of personal advice. However, a word of warning, get-rich-quick schemes are shams for the most part, and people talking about overnight successes are likely leaving a good bit of information out, so make sure you avoid those.

Your Best Business Idea Might Be Closer To Home Than You Thought

The easiest, and oftentimes best, place to get an idea for a startup is your own life. Did you stumble into a problem and wish someone had solved it? Or is there an ineffective/inefficient solution to your problem? Use these things as a foundation for your starting point. Every successful business thrives when it solves a problem that the masses refuse to fix. The demand section of business is purely due to a ‘problem’ that needs to be solved, be that online shopping, cooking tutorials, or marketing someone else’s product amongst others. Also, note that we pick problems close to us for a reason. When it comes to something that has bothered you before, you will have the perspective of a consumer, and thus be privy to things that you, the consumer, would appreciate.

Emotions Should Only Inspire, Not Direct

We should never be blinded by our feelings even though we are choosing ideas that are close to home. Simply put, feelings concerning business must always serve to inspire, not to direct. Your penchant for going on extended chats with people about self-help without proven research that it does help is ultimately a waste of time. Ensure that every step of your entrepreneurial journey is supported by reliable research. After all, business is less about what you want, and more about what your customer wants from you. This is not to say that you should do something that you hate, it’s just making certain that your passion is not squandering the time you have when it would be better spent directing your love via a method that is proven to work.

One example of these logical aspects has to be researching your competition. We have identified a problem, rather than let our feelings trap us in an attempt to perfect the product, take a look at what the competition has put out. Has someone already done exactly what you are attempting to do? Or have they tried something you were thinking of and failed? Answering questions like these is imperative in ensuring that your product has a chance to at the very least get people thinking that they should consider your product.

Action Breeds Results But Inaction Breeds Disappointment

This may be the hardest thing to do on this list, but consistently working towards your goals has to be the most important step. Consistency is not just about having milestones achieved and making progress in your business, it also helps your mind to make a habit out of the more uncomfortable sides of entrepreneurship, like researching your moves and more. Some days are going to be harder than others, but you must get something done on that ever-growing to-do list. Cross something off, it can be a few small things or one huge task, but never end your day regretting that you did not work on something.


So there we have it, just three simple things that could change the outcome of your startup from middling to likely high success.

Looking at your life and seeing what you wished there was a solution for gives you unique insight both as a supplier and customer.

Keeping your passion professional and grounded helps you to avoid getting blinded by unreasonable possibilities and instead uses logic to put your energy into something productive.

Finally, just…do something. Too many times people slack off or let frustration halt their progress, but I say keep going. Just as with the previous point, the emotions that bring about frustration need to stay at the door. You already proved that you have what it takes to succeed, just by reading this article, so let the inner demons stay quiet, and you, stay diligent.

We could go on to list the full business model to follow alongside our application of it to our business, but that is for another article, as this one was only introductory. The Digital Age has blessed us with the capability to turn our ideas into income farms, with the appropriate diligence of course. Now that you have taken the first crucial step in trying to get your entrepreneurial career on its baby legs, put the above tips into action and make your way on the HERO’s journey. It will not be easy, but what it will be is rewarding, should you follow through. As we embark on our path, be sure to follow along on our socials to see how we turn our passion into power.


Check out Episode I of our HERO series and learn more about “How To Start A Startup in College!”

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